Private events Buffet

Private events Buffet

For your special occasions: wedding, communion, baptism, birthday, you want to organize a buffet on the theme of cheeses, we offer a customized service with a selection of cheeses from Androuet home.

The organization of the buffet can include different services:

- An assortment of whole cheeses or precut

-a selection of wines from our cellar

- Assortments of specialty breads (tradition, country, walnuts, grapes, curcumin, olives ...).

- Baskets of seasonal fruit.

- Fine charcuterie platters and dishes to vary pleasures (San Daniele ham, Coppa, Grison meat, Auvergne sausage, duck sausage, Lonzo, Salers sausage, hams Savoie, Jabugo Pata Negra ...)

- Topping, dishes, cocktail decoration